


The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) is an international organization that consists of over 40,在世界各地有5000名会员. SWE was founded in 1950 and is the world’s largest advocate for women in engineering and technology. SWE provides its members with professional support and resources to assist women as they navigate a predominantly male-dominated field. The SWE mission is to “Stimulate women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, 并展示多样性的价值.” [i]

新濠天地app大学’s chapter of SWE was founded in 2013 and has seen remarkable growth since its founding. 凯伦Mlynarski, 工程部的行政助理, is the faculty advisor for the club and has worked alongside the student leaders since its founding. The mission statement of the college is “to equip students for faithful and fruitful service to God and neighbor” [ii] 和夫人. 姆林纳斯基说,这项任务是新濠天地appSWE的基础. 她说, “如果你有上帝赐予的天赋,那么你就会去做, whether you are male or female” and SWE is a fantastic resource for women to receive support as they pursue their chosen profession.

SWE是新濠天地app学生的宝贵资源, 因为它包括了简历审查, 会议, 奖学金的机会, 技能培训, 帮助寻找面试和实习机会, 和网络. 这对学术发展很有用, but also for professional development that can have a lasting impact beyond the collegiate setting. Geneva SWE has a counselor and representative for SWE named Mary Zeist, who is instrumental in providing professional support for the students. The engineering professors are also supportive of the Geneva SWE and work to ensure that their students feel equipped for professional careers.

web-thumbnail-size-31.jpgSWE对STEM领域的女性很有价值, 因为它为专业发展提供了支持, but beyond that it also creates an atmosphere of cooperation and bonding. 德莱尼·温特豪德,25年, 你的专业是土木工程, 她是新濠天地appSWE的外联协调员. 她发现SWE是一个令人难以置信的鼓舞气氛. 当她大一入学时, she found it encouraging to have a club where she could interact with other engineers and was very hopeful as she could engage with successful upperclassmen in the department. SWE在面试方面提供重要的支持, 寻找实习机会, 学习有用的技能, but the impact of SWE goes beyond that and is a place where women engineers can bond together and feel connected on a deeper level.

不仅仅是一个寻找朋友和同伴的地方, SWE也是一个让女性找到归属感的地方. Caitlyn Cipher ’23, president of Geneva SWE, notes that SWE is bigger than just the Geneva section. It can be encouraging for women in this club to recognize that they are members of an international organization of women just like them. 对于许多, SWE可以提供一种深刻的归属感, 因为女性可以认识到她们并不孤单, 他们可以在这个领域有所作为. 夫人. Mlynarski adds that SWE provides a sense of belonging at both the collegiate level and the international level. 首先, 在新濠天地app新濠天地app,女性可以感受到归属感, because they are part of this group of women that are working toward similar goals. 除了, 有一种国际归属感, 因为SWE将世界各地的女性联系在一起, and being a member of this organization can give women a sense of being part of such a large group. 他们真的并不孤单.

It is also valuable to note that it is overall beneficial to have women in the field of Engineering. Caitlyn Cipher says, “I think variety is something that every single career needs. 无论你做什么,你都需要多视角. Women provide a different perspective than men and the variety of people in the field improves the field as a whole.” Delaney Winterhalter echoes this perspective as she says that “I think women are well fit for engineering. It requires not just academics, but communication, presentation, and problem solving.” There is not only specific mold that a person must fit in to be a good engineer. 事实上,事实似乎正好相反. The field of engineering is improved when there are people with different perspectives and skills.

web-thumbnail-size-32.jpgAnother valuable aspect of SWE at Geneva is that there is a lot of opportunity to get involved and engaged. Caitlyn Cipher says, “If we have people that have knowledge, how can we utilize that.” SWE is not like an extra class where you just have to sit and listen to a lecture, 这是学生与同龄人互动的机会, receive hands-on training that they might not experience in the classroom, 并获得专业发展方面的支持. SWE has many opportunities for students to engage with if they are interested, and it is the active engagement of members that makes SWE so valuable. Caitlyn Cipher says, “The girls that show up make the group what it is.” Their continued engagement is what allows the club to continue to grow.

尽管存在一些误解, SWE不仅适用于女性, 但他们也鼓励男生出勤. 夫人. Mlynarski remarked that in a male-dominated field, men supporting their female peers goes a long way. Caitlyn Cipher also commented on this topic by saying the there is more support in this field than there used to be, 它将继续变得更好. SWE is designed to encourage more inclusion and diversity in the field of engineering, and this unity can be found when peers and coworkers support each other, 无论他们是男是女. So, 新濠天地appSWE鼓励男学生参加, because it is valuable for women students to see the support of their peers.

SWE is a valuable club on Geneva’s campus and gives engineering students a space where they can connect with others who are also passionate about supporting women in the engineering field. There are a lot of stereotypes with engineering and SWE is working to break down those stereotypes and bring more diversity to the field. 最终,任何对工程有激情的人都可以从事工程. 作为夫人. 姆林纳斯基说过:“如果这是你要走的路,那就走吧. 不管你是男是女. 如果你有这个能力,就去争取吧.” SWE provides the resources for women to go for it and follow their passion.





[i] http://swe.org/about-swe/

[ii] http://19kr.lookforstudies.com/about-geneva/identity/mission-doctrine#:~:text=Geneva%20College%20is%20a%20Christ,service%20to%20God%20and%20neighbor.
